Summary of the actions led by Centre IFAPME

31 July 2024 by

-          Preparatory visit to Liège from March 26 to 29, 2024


Here are the activities that were led at Villers, Construform and Château-Massart (transnational meeting and launch event).

Visit to the Villers and Construform centres, meeting with learners, project management, exchanges with Terremplo's various partners, presentation of the actions set up by the IFAPME centre to welcome young people suffering from "dys"-type disorders and to develop their soft skills.


-          Launch event in Liège (March 29)


Launch event to present the TERREMPLO project and enable our Belgian partners to meet our French and Irish partners.

Morning programme:

  •   Presentation of the project and its objectives: presentation of the project by Sandrine Nagels, from the IFPAME Centre, and Tomas Bulnes, from the BJC (Terremplo's lead partner). We were able to discuss our progress and short-term objectives, as well as the overall vision.
  •   Working groups and brainstorming: subdivided into 3 thematic groups, all the partners were able to discuss the specificities and common points of each territory, and thus lay down guidelines for further reflection (see the morning's report).
  •   Visit to a hook-up activity, the Talent Challenge: this event, organised in the ASBL centres, aims to offer young people the chance to discover 15 to 20 trades and test them throughout the day.


-          12 interviews, including 8 with part of the target audience and 4 with associated partners


Right from the launch event, and subsequently through its consultations and interviews, the IFAPME LHV Centre has been canvassing local players involved in employment and training to launch the local Terremplo hub. At this stage, we have already interviewed organisations such as the Fédération générale du travail de Belgique (FGTB), the Union des classes moyennes (UCM), the Institut wallon de Formation en Alternance et des indépendants et Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (IFAPME) and the ASBL HandiJob'Project. These consultations have enabled us to gradually build up a picture of the situation of young people in difficulty, in particular NEETS (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), but also young people with disabilities and young women. At the same time, we organised 8 interviews with our target audience: the typical profile of the interviewees was that of a young man aged 16 to 21, in the second year of an IFAPME sandwich course in park and garden maintenance. These young people come from a variety of backgrounds and have often encountered difficulties in the mainstream education system.

-          Analysis of initial interview results

Analysis of the initial interviews reveals challenges, but also opportunities and other avenues for improving the professional integration of young people in difficulty in the region. The partners involved unanimously emphasize the importance of cross-disciplinary and entrepreneurial skills, the match between theoretical and practical training, as well as territorial constraints that affect the success of sandwich courses and, consequently, sustainable integration into the job market. For their part, learners express clear needs in terms of learning to develop practical skills linked to the exercise of their profession, personalized support and preparation for professional independence. To respond effectively to these challenges, we need to strengthen our support systems, improve access to training and continue to develop partnerships with employers who are aware of the realities of young people in training. In this sense, the TERREMPLO project must continue to evolve to offer adapted and personalised solutions, enabling a successful transition to sustainable employment.