Terremplo - Study visit to Belgium

12 April 2024 by
Terremplo - Study visit to Belgium

Three days in Liège for the Terremplo project Interreg North-West Europe (NWE)
Last week, we were invited by the Centre IFAPME Liège-Huy-Verviers Centre to visit their various centres in Wallonia, where we had the pleasure of meeting up with our partners and reviewing the progress of the project. 

This time together was also an opportunity for us to take an in-depth tour of IFAPME and to take part in the " défi des talents " event. Many thanks to our Walloon partners for their warm welcome and these inspiring visits, which will enable us to work together to build a better future for young people seeking employment in Europe.

We look forward to catching up with you in Dublin for our next transnational meeting!